
International conferences

2024.09: “Radiative-driven dusty outflow in compact high-z galaxies”,
ILR workshop 2024 @Osaka: From Galaxy Formation to Supermassive Black Holes, Osaka, Japan

2024.08: “A merger-driven scenario for clumpy galaxy formation in the epoch of reionization: Physical properties of clumps in the FirstLight simulation”, IAUS391, Cape Town, South Africa

2024.07: “FirstLight zoom-in simulations: Formation mechanism of [OIII]-bright clumps in high-redshift galaxies from z=6-9”, European Astronomical Society Annual meeting 2024, Padova, Italy

2024.02: “Formation and evolution of galaxies in the early Universe by 3D hydrodynamical simulation”, Poster,
Internatioinal Symposium on Quantum Electronics, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan

2023.11: “FirstLight simulations: Chemical evolution and bursty star formation history of high-redshift [OIII] emitters”,
Resolving the Extragalactic Universe with ALMA & JWST, Waseda Univ., Tokyo, Japan

2023.8: “Simulations of high-redshift [OIII] emitters: Chemical evolution and bursty star formation history”,
RESCEU summer school, Shinshu Univ., Nagano, Japan

2023.7: “Simulations of high-redshift [OIII] emitters: Chemical evolution and multi-line diagnostics”,
Shedding new light on the first billion years of the Universe, Marseille, France

2022.9: “The formation of star clusters in the early universe through supersonic gas streams”,
The 9th East Asian Numerical Astrophysics Meeting (EANAM9), Okinawa, Japan

2022.8: “Effect of streaming motion of baryons relative to dark matter and the formation of star clusters”,
Star Formation in Different Environments (SFDE) 2022, Quy Nhon, Vietnam

2022.8: “[OIII] emission lines from high-z galaxies in the Epoch of Reionization”,
Resceu Summer School 2022, online

2022.7: “The formation of gas-rich structure through baryon-dark matter streaming motion”,
National Astronomy Meeting (NAM) 2022, online

2021.11: “The formation of Supersonically Induced Gas Objects (SIGOs) with H2 cooling”,
IAU Symposium 362 The predictive power of computational astrophysics as a discovery tool, online

2021.8: “The formation of Supersonically Induced Gas Objects (SIGOs)”,
Resceu Summer School 2021, online

Domestic conferences

2024.9: “Radiative-driven dusty outflow by compact z > 10 galaxies”, ASJ (The Astronomical Society of Japan) Autumn Annual Meeting 2024, Kwansei Gakuin University, Hyogo

2023.9: “Formation of clumpy galaxies during the Epoch of Reionization in zoom-in simulations”,
ASJ (The Astronomical Society of Japan) Autumn Annual Meeting 2023, Nagoya University, Aichi

2023.9: “Zoom-in simulations of high-redshift galaxies & emission line modeling for JWST and ALMA”, Fine-structure lines workshop 2023, Ehime Univesity, Ehime

2023.3: “Emission line calculation of high-redshift galaxies for JWST & ALMA observation”, Astrophysics Workshop for Young Researchers, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo

2023.3: “[OIII] emission line calculation and line diagnostics from high-redshift galaxy simulations”
ASJ (The Astronomical Society of Japan) Spring Meeting 2023, Rikkyo University, Tokyo

2022.11: “[OIII] observations by ALMA and JWST and high-z galaxy evolution via simulations”,
First Stars First Galaxies 2022, Tokushima

2022.8: “[OIII] emission line ratio in high-z galaxies”,
IGM galaxy workshop 2022, Kushiro, Hokkaido

2022.3: “Statistical features of gas dominant objects(SIGOs) in the early universe”,
ASJ (The Astronomical Society of Japan) Spring Annual Meeting 2022, online

2022.2: “The formation of Supersonically Induced Gas Objects by Stream Velocity”,
First Stars and First Galaxies Symposium 2021, Tokyo

2021.9: “DM deficient cluster formation by stream gas motion relative to dark matter”,
ASJ (The Astronomical Society of Japan) Autumn Annual Meeting 2021, online

2021.9: “The formation of Supersonically Induced Gas Objects (SIGOs) with H2 chemistry”,
Symposium for Metal Poor Universe 2021, online

2021.8: “Supersonically Induced Gas Objecs via relative velocities between baryon and dark matter”,
51th astronomical meeting for young researchers, online


2024.08: “Overview of galaxy formation simulations and a review of latest studies on high-z galaxies”, seminar talk, ELPIS+JWST Hack Days 2024, Yamanashi, Japan

2024.07: “Galaxy formation and evolution in the early universe using numerical simulations”, seminar talk, JSR corporation, Online

2024.04: “Physical properties and Inner structures of high-redshift galaxies (z > 6) using zoom-in simulations”, seminar talk, Scuola Normale Superiore, Italy

2023.12: “Chemical and dynamical evolution of high-redshift [OIII] emitters in FirstLight simulation”, seminar talk, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid

2023.12: “Chemical evolution and bursty star formation history of high-redshift galaxies from ALMA to JWST”, seminar talk, Centro de Astrobiología, (CAB, CSIC-INTA), Madrid

2023.8: “Modeling of Optical emission lines and recent JWST observations”, One-day workshop on galaxies in the era of JWST/ALMA, The University of Tokyo

2023.3: “H2 cooling of gravitational collapse of SIGOs with high-resolution simulations”,
Supersonic Project: Collaboration meeting, UCLA, US

2023.3: “Formation and evolution of star clusters and galaxies in the early Universe”, UCLA